軟體工程 Using Coffeescript to classify objects based on their value of attributes

We could classify objects of javascript or JSON ones to different groups based on their attributes' values. I modified original example as below coffeescript code from Reference link. Suppose you have an array-variable of JSON objects and a variable of Object, and you want to classify or group them based on values of their date attributes. warehouseOfClassifiedJSONObj = new Object(); arrayOfJSONObj = [ {name:"taro", date:"1996-01-01", total_average_price: 50}, {name: "flower", date:

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軟體工程 How do I use tools to debug CoffeeScript/Javascript files

I use following codes and tools to debug files of CoffeeScript/JavaScript: Safari browser’s developer tool set breakpoints at debugger tab of javascript files responsive design mode of developer tool can help us to see what a web page is rendered. coffeescript code if myVariable? # this statement can check whether this variable has its value(s), null or undefined. If it has value, this statement would return true, otherwise false. alert

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軟體工程 CoffeeScript gets URL parameters for HTML select tags' multiple options

Use CoffeeScript and JQuery to bind click event at website for getting parameters of a form at URL. In file. The following example is modified from reference 1,2,3 and 4 to meet my need. get_parameters_from_url = -> aryParams = {} # Initial an empty object rawVars ="&") #window is used to getting global variables of browsers in coffeescript. is the query string at URL including the question

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軟體工程 Event-handling and function with JQuery in CoffeeScript | 在CoffeeScript裡使用JQuery Event-handling

Wanna use functions, which are defined in files of coffeescript language, to change one of CSS attributes such as display when an user clicking a button or element at a web page? You can follow below instructions. At side of web page, for example: Write down a button of HTML 5 for triggering event <button type="button" name="btn-veggie-list" class="btn-veggie-list">Veggie list</button> Target HTML. For example, it’s an unordered list for items in

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Howard Lee, Frontend-engineer with Angular 7+, Typescript, ReactJS, VueJS. Flutter, Dart, PHP, Ruby, JavaScript, HTML, SASS, CSS, Postgres, MySQL, Web Developer. Have a certificate of AWS Solution Architect Associate with verify number: 8FYNL55LCEEQ10W5. You can verify at AWS Certificate site or Credly site Tech lead role Lead 4 colleagues to build products and infrastructure Coordinate schedule of delivering products Senior web frontend developer role Products Form-filling, form-sharing, file-management, repair-managemnt and project-management for construction industry at Suiqui IoT management and EC platform for Liquid Petroleum Gas(LPG) at Wave-In Comm.

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