Use CoffeeScript and JQuery to bind click event at website for getting parameters of a form at URL.
get_parameters_from_url = ->
aryParams = {} # Initial an empty object
rawVars ="&") #window is used to getting global variables of browsers in coffeescript. is the query string at URL including the question mark(?). substring(1) starts from first character, which follows question mark. split("&") divides every parameter as this format: yourparam=parametervalue .
queryMultipleValuePattern = /query[]/ #Initialize a variable of regular expression I want
if rawVars?.length # Appending question mark to end of a variable can check whether it's null and undefined or not in coffeescript. It returns false only when it's null or undefined, otherwise it returns true. In addition, if appending question mark, dot and length together, you could example a variable whether it's an empty string, null or undefined. Only returning false if it's an empty string, null or undefined, otherwise it returns true.
i = 1
for element in rawVars
[key,val] = element.split("=") #divide parameter and its value into one array as key and value respectively.
if (decodeURIComponent(key)).match(queryMultipleValuePattern) # function decodeURIComponent(key) is transforming value of key from URIcompact string(such as %5B) into normal string.
aryParams[(decodeURIComponent(key)) + "_#{i}"] = decodeURIComponent(val) # storing key and value into object: aryParams' attribute and value respectively. I transform query[] to this regular expression: query[]_{d}+ so I must rollback its type before using it correctly in program.
i += 1
aryParams[decodeURIComponent(key)] = decodeURIComponent(val)
If you want to append values of captured URI parameters into a specified form, you must rollback to the type that you had transformed.
.append_previous_params_of_form_to_latest_request = (previousParams) ->
if previousParams?
delete previousParams['query-time'] if previousParams['query-time']? # Delete if there are duplicate parameters
delete previousParams['page'] if previousParams['page'] # Delete if there are duplicate parameters
$('#filter-veggie-query input[type=hidden]').remove() # Remove all input's type are hidden under document id is filter-veggie-query
queryMultipleValuePattern = /query[]_[d]+/ # Initialize the regular expression I want to rollback
for property in Object.keys(previousParams) # Object.keys(previousParams) is used to getting attributes' name in previousParams
if property.match(queryMultipleValuePattern)? #Check whether there is match or not for specified pattern.
$('#filter-veggie-query').append('<input type="hidden" name="query[]" value="' + previousParams[property] + '">') # append what I want if there is matched. This is the rollback for transformed types.
$('#filter-veggie-query').append('<input type="hidden" name="' + property + '" value="' + previousParams[property] + '">') # append as normal if there is no matched.
If you want to submit a form through jquery without having a button, you could follow instructions at reference 7.
Must aware identation in CoffeeScript.