軟體工程 No routes matches ‘/users/sign_out’ of Devise gem using jquery-migrate-min.js in Rails 4

Situation: After trying to use slick plugin of jquery using log-in user, I want to sign out. The screen shows 'No routes matches '/users/sign_out' ' when I click the link of sign-out. Before trying slick plugin, /users/sign_out route of devise gem works as normal. Cause: The addtional js jquery-migrate-min, which required for slick plugin, makes rails misunderstood original route for /users/sign_out . Environment: Rails, Devise 3.5.5, Jquery-migrate-rails 1.2.1 Solution:

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軟體工程 Configurations and programming examples about Grape, Doorkeeper and Wine_bouncer in a rails 4 app

This article works for both of production and development environment and not like other articles only work for development. The tested environment are Rails, Ruby 2.3.0, Doorkeeper 3.1.0, Grape 0.14.0, Grape-kaminari 0.1.8, Wine_Bouncer 0.5.1 and Devise 3.5.5 . 1. Sample configuration for Grape gem in Rails app projects. 列出Grape gem的設定檔範例 In config/application.rb, add below two

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心得 Roles of grape gem and other related gem for building API service | Grape 與其它相關建立API工具的角色

Grape gem is the core of API service, which bulits API endpoints and handles each exception. Devise gem’s role is the user management system. Doorkeeper gem manages oauth clients, which are related with users in Devise gem, and record oauth clients' app id, secret, scopes, authorization codes and access tokens. Doorkeeper takes responsibilities about giving, revoking, and refreshing authorization codes and access tokens. Wine_bouncer gem’s role is a guard of

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軟體工程 Let Devise gem to send mail for changing password and registering | 讓Devise在Rails專案上線環境具備寄信的能力

Instructions for installing and configuring sendmail software with action_mailer of rails in Ubuntu. It might be some complicated. 在 Ubuntu 安裝與設定 sendmail 可能會令人覺得複雜,以下是安裝與設定指引: Below statements are for development machines. 以下屬於開發環境機器的設定: Check below option

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軟體工程 Associate Devise with Doorkeeper gem for OAuth | 結合Devise帳戶認證和Doorkeeper的OAuth Client認證

If you want to associate your user model, which are built by Devise gem, with OAuth clients, which are authenticated and authorized by Doorkeeper gem, you should follow below instructions. Below instructions come from wiki pages of Doorkeeper gem. Command for Database changes rails generate doorkeeper:application_owner rake db:migrate Configuration at config/initializers/doorkeeper.rb Uncomment or add this statement into block of Doorkeeper.

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Howard Lee, Frontend-engineer with Angular 7+, Typescript, ReactJS, VueJS. Flutter, Dart, PHP, Ruby, JavaScript, HTML, SASS, CSS, Postgres, MySQL, Web Developer. Have a certificate of AWS Solution Architect Associate with verify number: 8FYNL55LCEEQ10W5. You can verify at AWS Certificate site or Credly site Tech lead role Lead 4 colleagues to build products and infrastructure Coordinate schedule of delivering products Senior web frontend developer role Products Form-filling, form-sharing, file-management, repair-managemnt and project-management for construction industry at Suiqui IoT management and EC platform for Liquid Petroleum Gas(LPG) at Wave-In Comm.

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