以下是我使用 Flutter 開發 Android app 中遇到的疑惑 問題:請問有人成功用 flutter 製作的 android app 分享檔案(例如,副檔名.tar)到其他 app(Dropbox, GoogleDrive) 我在 android 8 測試我的 app 分享檔案(xx
read more以下是我使用 Flutter 開發 Android app 中遇到的疑惑 問題:請問有人成功用 flutter 製作的 android app 分享檔案(例如,副檔名.tar)到其他 app(Dropbox, GoogleDrive) 我在 android 8 測試我的 app 分享檔案(xx
read moreException name: PluginRegistrantException Error message: PluginRegistrantCallback is not set. Did you forget to call AlarmService.setPluginRegistrant? See the README for instructions. Solution: Simply open the android project. Perform a Gradle sync. Next, do a “build -> clean project” and “build -> rebuild project”. Ref. link: https://stackoverflow.com/a/54972225/2704360
read moreWhen an app is put at sdcard, open it then crash because AppBundle change behavior between Android gradle plugin version 3.2 and 3.3. Reference link: https://forum.unity.com/threads/app-bundle-and-external-storage.633082/ , https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/123070510 , https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/127691101 Got an exception: java.lang.unsatisfiedlinkError 我用 AppBundle 方式編譯我的 App,放在手機 internal storage 可以正常執行,但放在 sd card 則無法執行
read moreSuppose your app, which built by flutter 1.2, has ItemListScreen and ItemDetailScreen, and this app uses named route to manage routing of app. Users can click one of item in ItemListScreen and then ItemDetailScreen will show detail information of the clicked item. You can find following example to decouple between screens by no need importing ItemDetailScreen class to ItemListScreen file. Solution: Use ModalRoute.of(context).settings.arguments in your routes.dart file to pass arguments
read more如果每個 Rails app 都有呼應本身的 Docker-compose repository,例如 A Rails app 自己本身有 Rails repo 而且也有專屬的 A Docker-compose repo,那麼就要注意 A Docker-compose repo 的目錄架構,小心無法
read more緣起 因為要讓單一機器正常運作多個 Rails app 且互不干擾,閱讀這篇文章 https://codepany.com/blog/rails-5-and-docker-puma-nginx/ 的內容後,決定採用第六種作法:Rails app in docker and web server at host environment (文章內容是 Dockerize Rails app into
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