read more這陣子在臺灣面試蠻多份工作的經驗,以及跟幾位朋友交流,覺得臺灣網路上一些人一直鼓吹有志從事軟體工程師職業的人做作品集,太誇大做作品集然後得到
read moreGrape gem is the core of API service, which bulits API endpoints and handles each exception. Devise gem’s role is the user management system. Doorkeeper gem manages oauth clients, which are related with users in Devise gem, and record oauth clients' app id, secret, scopes, authorization codes and access tokens. Doorkeeper takes responsibilities about giving, revoking, and refreshing authorization codes and access tokens. Wine_bouncer gem’s role is a guard of
read moreThis article is written for Rails beginners when he/she want to deploy an app. From my experience, many things must be noticed and fixed, whose range from Ubuntu, RVM, Apache, Passenger, Postgres, Git, Capistrano and GitHub.com. The following are indexes for problems, solutions and resources I had faced. It might evolve with times change. Ubuntu List packages you have installed to a machine. Command: dpkg -l | grep {packageFullnameorPartname} Change
read moreIn my experience to learn LTE protocol, openairinterface5g open source project from EURECOMM is nice to pick up LTE knowlege in reality for students. I had involved in openair-cn(Evolved Packet Core, which known as EPC) subproject in openairinterface5g and made its function work with commercial base stations and user equipments successfully. Openair-cn could be built and run in only one Ubuntu OS within virtualbox. For example, you can learn NAS
read more我印象深刻的畫面有兩個,第一個是黃飛鴻對打北海幫主的兒子時,使用黃飛鴻的第一人稱視角看打鬥的過程;第二個是拍攝碼頭的縮時攝影,用以表達時間流
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