20240415 ~ 0420 這周,我收到了演講詐騙訊息,目的要騙取我的 Google 帳號,可能要向我勒索金錢。我沒受騙,我分享訊息內容,希望提供其他人識別出詐騙。
寄件人信箱是: 陳宥佑 Verosika Chen • [email protected] 。我不知道是不是遭到冒用的信箱,我肯定的是,這是演講詐騙訊息,就跟馬拉松名人陳彥博被類似的演講詐騙訊息騙( Yahoo新聞連結: 超馬》克服瑞典極地 陳彥博卻不敵詐騙 )一樣。
Dear Professor Lee,
I hope this email finds you well. My name is Verosika Chen, a student at Kang Chiao International School Linkou campus. I’m writing on behalf of the Foreign Diplomacy Club, a club of the Kang Chiao International School, a youth club that focuses on debating and global issues.
I am reaching out to you to kindly invite you to be our keynote speaker for our upcoming debate about artificial intelligence. The purpose of the debate is to foster critical thinking and deep engagement with AI-related issues and their effects on the globe. Your insights and guidance could provide us with great help.
• Language: English
• Duration: 5/22 12:15-12:55
• Format: in-person or online
For more information, you can find out in our proposal. The seminar we hope you attend is the pre-debate competition activity to enhance student’s understanding of AI before the actual debate.
We seek your guidance as a guest speaker to inspire and lead our students with your experience and knowledge about developing artificial intelligence. We believe that you can inspire our students to reach their full potential. By accepting the proposal, you contribute positively to changing lives through mentoring our debaters.
I understand that you are likely busy with your own work and commitments, but if you have any availability or interest in contributing to this event, I would be more than happy to provide further details and discuss potential arrangements at your convenience.
We deeply appreciate your time and consideration. To learn more about the debate and our club activities, feel free to contact me. I’m more than happy to assist you in any way I can.
Warm regards,
Verosika Chen
KCISLKThank you. Have a nice day.
上面訊息裡的 proposal 文字,我已移除詐騙連結,避免讀者誤點進去。我也沒有保留原信了,因為我不想哪天自己誤點進去。
我同事本周也收到其他類型的詐騙訊息,但她比較可憐,因為她的銀行帳戶被騙走近五萬元,詐騙集團偽造 7-11 公司的賣貨便服務網站欺騙她,她發生當下已經報案,但在臺灣通常很難追回金額。臺灣的詐騙很多,大家要小心。臺灣的現任政府對詐騙的實質作為和司法作為令很多民眾都無感,有些民眾的情緒比較激動的,甚至會不滿政府對詐騙的作為。因為基層警察抓到後詐騙犯後,法院沒多久放人,而且聽說法律的罰則很輕和審判流程很長,詐騙被判刑還能因為在獄中表現良好能假釋,加上臺灣法院因為詐騙案件激增,案件排隊處理中,很多法官和書記官都過勞,這兩周有法官自殺了( 4/11的事件,4/13 自由時報刊登: 第1名結業法官 38歲墜樓亡/傳訊告別妻:我很累…),書記官則過勞往生了,留下八個月大的嬰兒 ( 4/21 新聞, 聯合報刊登:苗栗書記官疑過勞死…同業嘆司法界內幕:書記官如油麻菜籽命 )。
我再講下去,綠色側翼應該會攻擊我,並質問我是不是對黨不滿?我覺得側翼超可怕的好嗎? 我鄭重宣布,我沒有對黨不滿,我對黨超滿意的好嗎,睡得好,吃得飽,考試都考一百分,祝黨能千秋萬世。