overcome-setup-of-cypress-for-web-single-page-application | 征服 Cypress 用於 web S.P.A. UI 自動化測試之起始設定
學習 overcome-setup-of-cypress-for-web-single-page-application | 征服 Cypress 用於 web S.P.A. UI 自動化測試之起始設定

Modern web systems often require users to login first and then allow those, who are login successfully, start to use. If these systems are built with concept of single page application, it’s good to try Cypress for automatic UI end-to-end testing. The login is first one need to be solved for Cypress testing. Notice: The content of this article has been tested at cypress version 5.6.0, 6.2.0, angular version 6.1.10,

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Howard Lee, Frontend-engineer with Typescript, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Angular 19+, ReactJS, Next.js, GraphQL, Tanstack Query, Material-UI, Cypress, Postgres, Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform Docker and TestCafe. Have a certificate of AWS Solution Architect Associate with verify number: 8FYNL55LCEEQ10W5. You can verify at AWS Certificate site or Credly site Tech lead role Lead 4 colleagues to build products and infrastructure Coordinate schedule of delivering products Senior web frontend developer role Products Team-management, form-filling, form-sharing, file-management, repair-management and project-management for construction industry at Suiqui IoT management and EC platform for Liquid Petroleum Gas(LPG) at Wave-In Comm.

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