Read Book 2022 | 2022 年我讀過的書
學習 Read Book 2022 | 2022 年我讀過的書

2022 年讀過的書: 灰階思考。(2021 年 9 月購買, 2021 年 12 月 下旬開始讀,2022 年 1 月 6 日看完) podcast 頻道:股癌 的整理內容 講投資心態和理財的原則 被討厭

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Experience Learned From Developing a Feature of a Company Product 2021 | 從開發完成近期公司產品的一項使用者體驗功能,學習到的經驗
心得 Experience Learned From Developing a Feature of a Company Product 2021 | 從開發完成近期公司產品的一項使用者體驗功能,學習到的經驗

English version: In the working time at 24th December 2021, I finally finished a critical UX feature of a product from current serving company and I had confirmed it can work as expected. I had been developed this feature over a month and it’s good to send a pull request for merging branch of codebase. Boss considers this feature is critical because of it can resolve headache about uploading files

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Execution orders of actions of Redux Observable Epic
心得 Execution orders of actions of Redux Observable Epic

Received same action(s) within redux will be executed first and then one(s) in epic(s) of redux-observable if there are common action(s) existing in redux and redux-observable.[1] Figure 1. Excerpt statement from redux-observable official site [2] Figure 2. Order sequence diagram for redux-observable. Photo credit to Brian Leathem [3] Redux store is action-in and state-out. Redux-observable is action-in and action-out. Behavior of redux means it generate out new centralize-management state tree

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How to Take Over A Web Frontend Product or Project | 如何接手 Web 前端產品/專案
心得 How to Take Over A Web Frontend Product or Project | 如何接手 Web 前端產品/專案

It’s often to take over a web product for frontend-side from colleagues during work. When you’re on-boarding a company for a web frontend engineer role, you may find you situated in a misted forest. You may not see people or cowork with them, because there have some reasons such as they just quit the job or switch to another poducts. In modern frontend develop conventions, there are somethings you can

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Setup and Deploy API Document to Heroku free price plan With Swagger UI Topbar List and Http Basic Auth | 建立與部署簡易帳密認證機制的 Swagger-UI API 文件到 Heroku 免費方案
心得 Setup and Deploy API Document to Heroku free price plan With Swagger UI Topbar List and Http Basic Auth | 建立與部署簡易帳密認證機制的 Swagger-UI API 文件到 Heroku 免費方案

I want to create a static site of backend API document for communication between frontend and backend engineers. Because I don’t want to manage the server and estimate usage of team members is low, I survey two solutions, which are GCP Endpoint and Heroku. I finally choose Heroku free price plan. Steps for setup Step 1 Download standalone version of swagger-ui package on and unzip/decompress source-code file. Copy dist

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My React Calendar Demo Project
心得 My React Calendar Demo Project

I want to show I can code using React hook, so I develop a project of calendar and show it on GitHub pages. Source code is placed on GitHub and demo is showed on GitHub pages. This is been tested on Chrome and Safari. Figure 1. Calendar component.

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Howard Lee, Frontend-engineer with Angular 7+, Typescript, ReactJS, VueJS. Flutter, Dart, PHP, Ruby, JavaScript, HTML, SASS, CSS, Postgres, MySQL, Web Developer. Have a certificate of AWS Solution Architect Associate with verify number: 8FYNL55LCEEQ10W5. You can verify at AWS Certificate site or Credly site Tech lead role Lead 4 colleagues to build products and infrastructure Coordinate schedule of delivering products Senior web frontend developer role Products Form-filling, form-sharing, file-management, repair-managemnt and project-management for construction industry at Suiqui IoT management and EC platform for Liquid Petroleum Gas(LPG) at Wave-In Comm.

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