學習 安裝 Ruby on rails

This article is talking about how to install ROR, Ruby 1.9.2 on Rail 3.0.9, on Mac OS X 10.6.8. Besides, sharing some nice websites for searching a good solution to odds when we have problems in installing some softwares. 我在Mac OS X 10.6.8,先前有按照Xdite的Rails1

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身體保健 使用電腦時注意人體工學

昨天從噗浪看到這篇訊息,覺得還不錯,所以轉載連結和資料來源出處的文章。脊椎保健達人鄭雲龍: 拒當腰酸背痛的數位人~你打電腦姿勢正確嗎? - yam

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學習 取得UTF-8 String的長度

前提:你會正確使用關鍵字找尋答案。 網路上如果找不到bug的解法,有兩個原因, 你是第一個發現bug的人, 這不是bug,是你不會用。 今天寫 Ruby 的程

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Howard Lee, Frontend-engineer with Angular 7+, Typescript, ReactJS, VueJS. Flutter, Dart, PHP, Ruby, JavaScript, HTML, SASS, CSS, Postgres, MySQL, Web Developer. Have a certificate of AWS Solution Architect Associate with verify number: 8FYNL55LCEEQ10W5. You can verify at AWS Certificate site or Credly site Tech lead role Lead 4 colleagues to build products and infrastructure Coordinate schedule of delivering products Senior web frontend developer role Products Form-filling, form-sharing, file-management, repair-managemnt and project-management for construction industry at Suiqui IoT management and EC platform for Liquid Petroleum Gas(LPG) at Wave-In Comm.

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