read more因為整理臺灣農產品交易歷史行情從1996年一月到2013年十月,發現網站的一些數據錯誤,例如特定交易市場的交易量有負數,或是當日總平均價是負
read moreSituation: When I clicking a next-page link for changing content of current page, the chart drawed by C3js doesn’t update with new data. 問題發生情況: 當我按下網頁內容中的下一頁連結,網頁的折線圖並沒有跟著新資料重新繪製。 Environment: A rails app with
read moreC3js is easier than D3js for beginners who want to generate simple charts such as line ones, …,etc.. C3js relys on D3js so you must include D3js first in your web app before you start to use C3js. In the other words, you should include C3js and D3js into a web app. 因為尋找可以在網頁上更好呈現資訊內容
read moreI use the gem pg_search in rails as a light-weight tool for full-text searching task of Postgres, but Postgres doesn’t support the function well in Mandarin/Chinese. After finding solutions, I take the combination of tools for full-text search in Postgres, which are pg_search gem, SCWS and zhparser. Doing it yourself according content in following links, you will setup successfully too. Remark at 20160131: This tutorial requires postgresql-server-devel-{VERSION} at Ubuntu and
read moreRails4內使用Grape套件取得資料庫的資料不像Rails3使用Grape一樣簡單,我覺得有點複雜。原本打算只用Rails4和Grape
read more網路上找到的參考資料,留著有空和有疑惑的時候看。 參考資料連結列表: http://sam0512.blogspot.com.au/2013/10/sass.html http://leveluptuts.com/tutorials/Sass-Tutorials https://github.com/gonsakon/Learn-Sass-in-90-days
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