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read moreSony Xperia 非旗艦手機的機種,例如XA1 Plus,雖然內建有 PlayStation App ,但是沒有 PS4 遙控遊玩的功能,如果你因為 PS4 遙控遊玩,想買 Xperia 非旗艦機種,建議直接買 Xperia 當年
read moreWe can get session value or data of a loginned user at AppServiceProvider. The following we will show how to get, share values of session and loginned user to all views. ========= Code: namespace App\Yourapp\Younamespace; use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Session; use Illuminate\Support\View; use App; class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider{ public function boot() { $auth = $this->app['auth']; // get Laravel's Auth facades view()->composer('*', function($view) use (&$auth) { // this function coding style is
read moreVuejx 驗證表單欄位值的外掛 vee-validate 使用範例,建議初步熟悉 vee-validate 使用方式後,再來看範例
read morePHP 語言的開發框架 Laravel 5.5 從 controller 傳布林值變數到 blade.php 的方式如下: 假設我們從 controller 傳同名變數到 view blade 去 // controller 檔案 class ABCController { public function index(Request $request) { $isBooked = true; return view('home.landing_page', compact('isBooked')); } } // view blade 檔案的部份內
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